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Does Ballistic Window Film Exist?

Written By: Brad CampbellMarch 11, 2024

If you’re looking online for information about how to protect facilities against ballistic attacks, you may occasionally encounter discussions about something called ballistic window film.

Unfortunately, this term is misleading, as there’s no such thing as bullet-resistant or bulletproof window film.

Ballistic window film is a term sometimes used to describe security window film, but there’s really nothing ballistic-grade about this type of window film.

What Is Security Window Film and Why Do People Sometimes Call It Ballistic Window Film?

Security window film is a specialized high-strength, poly-based window film that is applied directly to existing commercial glass surfaces and is designed to hold the glass in place in the event that it breaks, preventing the glass from shattering dangerously inwards.

shattered window

It’s important to note that, while security window film does greatly improve human safety by mitigating the risks of broken glass-related injuries, it is not intended to provide any sort of protection against ballistic attacks.

Some companies refer to security window film as ballistic film because it can delay forced entry in an active threat scenario by preventing an attacker from instantly shooting out a window and reaching through to open a door or climbing in through the opening.

However, again we must reiterate that no type of security window film does anything to stop bullets, and it can still be breached very easily by a determined intruder.

Is There Any Ballistic Protection for Windows?

While there’s no such thing as bullet-resistant window film, there are other types of security glazing products that can stop bullets and provide a much higher level of protection against ballistic attacks.

Ballistic-grade security glazing typically falls into one of three main categories:

  1. Bullet-resistant laminated security glass
  2. Ballistic-grade polycarbonate security glazing
  3. Ballistic glass-clad polycarbonate security glazing

Any of these three types of bullet-resistant security glazing products can achieve the effects you may be looking for when searching for ballistic window film.

Bullet-resistant laminated security glass

Ballistic laminated security glass consists of multiple layers of strengthened glass and thermoplastic interlayers, offering robust protection against ballistic threats. 

While laminated glass is prone to spalling, the layers are bonded securely together using thermoplastics to prevent shattering. This maintains the integrity of the commercial windows or doors it is used for upon ballistic impact

Ballistic-grade polycarbonate security glazing

Bullet-resistant polycarbonate glazing is made from tough, transparent polycarbonate material designed to withstand ballistic impacts. It is lightweight and virtually unbreakable, and can be used alone or in conjunction with other materials for enhanced security.

Due to its lightweight nature, polycarbonate-based security glazing, such as ArmorPlast®, is highly retrofittable and can be fitted into or onto almost any existing commercial door or window framing system using retrofittable framing adapters.

Ballistic glass-clad polycarbonate security glazing

Glass-clad polycarbonate combines the above two technologies to create a hybrid solution. A layer of polycarbonate is sandwiched between glass layers, or used on the inside (safe side), to provide some of the highest levels of ballistic protection available for commercial glass surfaces.

Riot Glass®, LLC offers a full range of ballistic-grade security glazing solutions for commercial properties of all types. Contact us today for a free consultation.

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