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Tips on Implementing Effective Business Security Systems

Written By: Brad CampbellMarch 23, 2023

Whether it’s a jewelry store, a clothing retailer, a restaurant, or an office, every business has its own unique security needs, which can be addressed using a variety of commercial security measures.

However, there’s something all businesses security systems have in common: they exist to protect people and property, including retail merchandise and other business assets.

There’s no one-size-fits all approach to business security, but by following some proven-to-work best practices, you can get a lot closer to ensuring the safety and security of your employees and assets.

What Threats Do Business Security Systems Need to Protect Against?

While the actual presence of security threats to businesses varies depending on a variety of factors, including the type of business, the location, and more, most businesses need to protect themselves against some combination of the following security threats:

  • Forced entry and burglary
  • Smash-and-grab-theft
  • Vandalism
  • Rioting and looting
  • Storm damage
  • Natural disasters
  • Accidents
  • Active threats

So, any business security system should include components to help secure your property from theft and damage and protect people from harm related to different natural and man-made threats.

5 Components Any Business Security System Needs

1. Riot Glass® security glazing

Whether you have a single small jewelry store with glass storefront windows and display cases, or a large, multi-site retail chain or hospitality business, the best way to secure vulnerable doors and windows is with Riot Glass® security glazing.

Riot Glass® products use 100% proprietary blends of polycarbonates, acrylics, other plastics, and laminated security glass, resulting in glazing that outperforms and outlasts any other type of security glazing you can find on the market.

Using retrofittable framing adapters, we can install Riot Glass® glazing shields into your business’s existing framing system, on top of, behind, or in place of the existing glass.

Riot Glass® glazing is built to withstand even the most prolonged, determined attacks and high-velocity impacts, preventing damage to your storefront windows and doors and keeping would-be intruders out.

jewelry theft

Riot Glass® security glazing protects your business and its people against:

  • Forced entry attempts (using common burglary tools, like hammers, sledgehammers, pry bars, bats, and axes)
  • Smash-and-grab retail theft
  • Rioting and looting during civil unrest
  • Impacts from flying storm debris
  • Storm damage from heavy winds, rains, and flooding
  • Accidental impacts
  • Violent attacks by armed assailants (active threat scenarios)

Besides the virtually unbreakable glass protection that Riot Glass® provides, the biggest benefit of using this unique business security solution is that it doesn’t significantly change the appearance of your property or affect the functionality of your windows and doors.

By default, Riot Glass® panels are crystal clear, and look and feel very much like standard commercial glass.

In other words, you still get natural light coming in through your windows and maintain full visibility through the glass, meaning customers can continue to window shop and employees can still work in a pleasant indoor environment.

commercial windows

And, unlike traditional business security solutions, including those unsightly bars and grates you may be familiar with, Riot Glass® doesn’t hurt the curb appeal of your business — it fortifies your property, without making it look fortified.

2. Monitored surveillance system

No business’s security system is complete without monitored surveillance cameras.

A prominent video surveillance system helps deter vandalism, burglary, and other crime, and surveillance footage can help catch perpetrators of crimes after the fact, helping to protect your business from further criminal acts.

These days, commercial security camera systems are integrated with smart technology, so you can keep an eye on your business from anywhere using your smartphone, tablet, computer, or another device.

Make sure to place security cameras both inside and outside your business, covering all key potential entry points and ensuring there are no blind spots.

3. Monitored alarms/sensors

Alarms and sensors, such as glass break detectors and door-open sensor alarms, are another critical part of any comprehensive commercial security system.

These types of intrusion alarms will remotely alert you and the security company that monitors them of any potential forced entry and burglary attempts, and can be seamlessly integrated with your monitored surveillance system.

Like cameras, alarms and sensors don’t physically prevent forced entry or protect your business from other security threats, but they’re good deterrents and allow you to keep tabs on your property’s security 24/7.

4. Security lighting

Security lighting, such as motion sensing flood lights, placed strategically around the exterior and interior of your business are another strong deterrent to criminals.

Vandals, burglars, and rioters and looters prefer to target businesses at night, when they can hide their criminal activities in the dark. So, having strong security lights that illuminate every part of your property at night will make them think twice against targeting your business.

Bright lights also make it more likely for a passing police officer, security guard, or civilian to spot criminal activity inside or outside your property, potentially leading to an arrest and saving your business from harm.

5. Access control systems

The term “access control system” can refer to a variety of security measures used to control the flow of people in and out of your business.

For example, depending on what type of business you run, you might choose to use key card-controlled doors that automatically lock when closed to ensure only employees with authorization can get in. Intercom systems and biometric smart locks are other options.

Of course, some types of businesses, like retail stores, need to leave doors open and unlocked during business hours in order to actually do business.

For these types of businesses, having a dedicated security guard at the entrance is a good way to help control access and discourage theft.

Wrapping Up

Business security systems aren’t all about alarms and cameras.

Although these are important components of any comprehensive security system, there’s one thing they don’t do — physically protect your business against forced entry and other threats.

For that, there’s Riot Glass® security glazing, which provides the best access denial and impact protection for businesses of all types and sizes.

Contact us today for a free consultation!

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