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How ArmorPlast Effectively Secures High-End Retail Stores

Written By: Brad CampbellApril 7, 2020

When it comes to securing high-end retail stores, one of the main concerns is protecting your merchandise from burglary and smash-and-grab theft. The best way to do this is to reinforce your window and door glass so that would-be burglars can’t take advantage of these vulnerable entry points to gain entry to your business and make off with a load of expensive merchandise. ArmorPlast shields are one of the most effective ways you can protect your existing glass to thwart forced entry as part of a complete retail store security system.

What Is ArmorPlast and What Are the Advantages?

ArmorPlast shields are polycarbonate laminated security glazing sheets that can be retrofitted over a retail store’s existing storefront glass or glass windows and doors. ArmorPlast offers a full line of products to fulfill a variety of security needs, from containment grade to ballistic grade sheets. All of ArmorPlast’s retail security systems can be over-glazed or back-glazed, meaning they can be mounted on the inside or the outside of framing, to protect existing glass from forced entry attempts.

One of the biggest advantages of ArmorPlast is that it provides retail stores with a similar level of protection to that of full window replacement, but is much more affordable. It is also much quicker to install and less disruptive than replacing the existing glass and its framing. This makes ArmorPlast one of the best ways you can upgrade your store’s security without breaking the bank.

After your existing glass has been retrofitted with ArmorPlast shielding, it will be protected from attempted break and enters using heavy tools or objects like bricks and rocks. Additionally, a big advantage of ArmorPlast shields is that they offer varying levels of protection against other types of dangerous impacts like bullets, bomb blasts, and even natural disasters like storms and earthquakes. This means that you can secure your retail store’s glass against many possible threats, both man-made and natural.

Another advantage of ArmorPlast products is that they do not significantly alter the appearance of your glass. This can be a big concern, especially for high-end retail stores for which you want to uphold a certain image. ArmorPlast shields are practically invisible when they are retrofitted onto your existing glass. You won’t lose any visibility or detract from the appearance of your retail store.

Common Store Security Use Cases for ArmorPlast

Retail Theft Prevention

The number one way that burglars and opportunistic thieves gain entry to retail stores is by smashing their way through a glass window or door. An experienced burglar knows exactly which doors and windows are most vulnerable and can make quick work of a standard piece of glass using common burglary tools, such as crowbars or hammers. ArmorPlast will keep your retail store’s glass intact even in the face of determined forced entry attempts by would-be burglars, causing them to move on or delaying them long enough for authorities to arrive if they trigger an alarm system.

On the other hand, smash-and-grab theft also commonly occurs as a crime of opportunity. Maybe someone is walking by and sees an expensive item in the window of your store, so they pick up a rock or brick, smash the storefront glass, and make off with the item. Or, maybe there is civil unrest taking place and criminals are taking advantage of the chaos to break into high-end stores and steal expensive merchandise. Either way, ArmorPlast will keep your store safe from such types of retail theft.

"70% of burglaries involve forced entry through a window or door" in front of shattered glass

Defense Against Ballistic Attacks

If you’re concerned about a possible ballistic attack directly against or in the vicinity of your high-end retail store, ArmorPlast also offers a range of ballistic grade shields with different ballistic resistance ratings. These shields can resist impacts from a variety of different firearms including high-caliber handguns and multi-shot firearms. Even if a bullet does penetrate an ArmorPlast shield, it will prevent a store’s glass from shattering and flying inwards.

A luxury retail store might choose to install bullet-resistant ArmorPlast shields simply because they offer the highest level of protection against all kinds of impacts. Or, maybe the store is located in a high-traffic downtown core that could potentially be the target of an active threat looking to cause random casualties. In this case, store employees could lock down the store and stay safe inside while authorities arrive to deal with the situation.

Storm Damage Protection

Not all threats to a store’s security are man-made. A high-end retail store should also boost its store security system to protect against natural disasters like storms and earthquakes. ArmorPlast products will keep your store’s glass from shattering and breaking inwards when impacted by storm debris or when a seismic event causes the glass to crack. This will keep employees safe from harm when an unexpected natural disaster occurs during store hours.

ArmorPlast will also protect your merchandise from looters if something like flooding caused by a storm shuts down the retail core where your store is located. You can stay safe and sound and out of harm’s way while you wait for a storm to blow over without worrying about the condition of your window and door glass and whether your store’s security has been compromised. Not only that, but ArmorPlast’s proprietary exterior coating facilitates easy cleaning, so you can get your storefront back to normal quickly after a natural disaster.


ArmorPlast shields should be included as part of a comprehensive retail store security system that includes other security measures like surveillance cameras and alarm systems. That being said, ArmorPlast is one of the most effective ways to secure a high-end retail store against a variety of threats including burglaries, looting, ballistic attacks, and natural disasters. The affordability and ease of installation should put ArmorPlast on any luxury retail store owner’s radar when looking for ways to improve store security without sacrificing visibility or curb appeal. Contact us today for more information about securing your retail store with ArmorPlast.

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