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Can You Earn AIA Credit for Studying Security Glass Topics? A Guide

Written By: Brad CampbellApril 12, 2023

Architects who are part of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) have to meet certain continuing education requirements each year in order to fulfill their membership requirements.

AIA members can earn AIA credits for continuing education through approved programs related to a variety of architectural topics, including some related to various types of architectural glass, such as security glazing.

Architects that are specifically interested in implementing security glass in their projects may be able to earn a significant portion of their AIA credits through courses about different security glazing topics that can provide them with valuable, applicable knowledge.

This guide will tell you everything you need to know about this beneficial educational opportunity.

security glass aia credit

FAQs About AIA Credits

What is the AIA?

Founded in 1857, the American Institute of Architects is a professional organization for architects based in the United States.

Like other professional organizations in different industries, the goal of the AIA is to provide support for its members and the American architectural community as a whole. 

The AIA does this through a variety of avenues, including government advocacy, public outreach, community redevelopment, and education.

Currently, the AIA has upwards of 95,000 members, consisting of licensed architects and professionals in associated fields.

What are the AIA credit requirements for continuing education?

All existing AIA members must successfully complete 18 learning units of continuing education per year, with 12 of those units relating to health, safety, and welfare topics.

How can architects earn AIA credits?

These AIA credits can be earned through a wide variety of AIA-approved courses offered by various AIA chapters and other third-party providers.

Many of these courses are offered online, and there are both live and on-demand courses available to sign up for.

The AIA’s website has a catalog that lists over 75,000 AIA-approved classes for members to consider, from more than 3,000 continuing education providers.

Can you apply AIA credits to architect licensing requirements?

For architects working on fulfilling their architect licensing requirements, it may be possible to apply earned AIA credits, including those earned from security glazing courses, to fulfill those requirements.

However, each state’s requirements for architect licenses varies, so you’ll have to check your state’s specific rules and regulations to see if it’s possible.

What security glazing courses are available for earning AIA credits?

For architects interested in learning about security glazing topics as part of their continuing education requirements for the AIA, the good news is that there are a fair number of AIA-approved courses related to security glass.

Some examples of security glazing course topics are: 

  • Introduction to security glazing in buildings
  • Security glazing in practice
  • Ballistic glazing in controlled environments vs the real world
  • Design considerations for security glazing in educational, retail, and other commercial applications
  • Enhancing security with laminated glass
  • General Services Administration (GSA) requirements for glass and glazing
  • Polycarbonate sheets in architectural glazing
  • Retrofit security glazing solutions
  • Glazing solutions for advanced forced entry and ballistic protection
  • Security pass-through systems
  • Protective glazing for health, safety, and welfare in justice-related architecture
  • Security glazing in architectural design for medical and educational sectors
  • Window films for safety and security applications

Why All Architects Should Study Security Glazing Topics To Earn AIA Credits

Any type of commercial building can be a target of forced entry and burglary, rioting and looting, active threats, and other types of security threats.

Because of this, architects should always consider how to make commercial buildings they work on more secure by implementing security glazing in their design.

The security glazing industry is a fast-moving one, and there are always new types of glazing materials and products coming out, so it’s important for architects to know exactly what’s available and how to use it to harden building security against a range of threats.

commercial building security glazing

AIA credit courses on different security glazing topics can help architects understand things like what security threats commercial buildings face and the potential impacts they can have on people and property if not mitigated properly.

Such courses also help architects understand the different security glazing options they can consider when constructing new buildings or remodeling old ones, as well as understand what the industry standards are for things like forced entry- and bullet-resistant glazing.

Examples of security threats that architects should understand how to mitigate through the use of security glazing include:

  • Forced entry
  • Burglary
  • Smash-and-grab theft
  • Vandalism
  • Rioting and looting
  • Active threats
  • Blast damage
  • Storm damage
  • Natural disasters
  • Accidental impacts

By studying the implementation of security glass and glazing to mitigate the threats listed above, architects will also gain an understanding of the design considerations required to balance security and intended functionality in their projects.

security glass and glazing

Modern security threats require modern commercial security solutions

Things like doors with access control, monitored surveillance systems, and alarms are all essential components of commercial security systems, but they’re not very efficient unless a building’s glass doors and windows are also protected.

That’s where security glazing comes in — the right glazing products do everything from providing access denial to keep bad guys out, to protecting people and property against damage and injury from flying storm debris.

Closing Words

For licensed architects or people in adjacent professions, joining the AIA can provide a range of benefits, including an incentive to continue their education by completing various professional classes each year.

However, whether you’re in the AIA or not, studying security glazing as an architect is a worthwhile investment that is sure to benefit both you and your future clients, who will be pleased with the modern security glazing solutions you can provide them.

Riot Glass, LLC provides a full range of security glass and glazing solutions for architects and commercial property owners, and we’re also committed to providing helpful information about security glazing through our blog, courses, and other resources.

If you’re interested in exploring the retrofit security glazing solutions Riot Glass has to offer, don’t hesitate to contact us today for a consultation.

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